* Membership registration is required for comments, favorites, and bookmark functions. To apply for membership (free of charge), please contact us using this form.
* Membership registration is required for comments, favorites, and bookmark functions. To apply for membership (free of charge), please contact us using this form.
The information on genres, media handled, and new/used ratio is based on the data collected from the opinions of Recoya users who have visited the store. Please feel free to post information on genres and media that you feel the store is strong in.
ハリーに「おにぎり」の歌唱をテレビで披露してもらいましょう。とてもかわいいですよ。ハリーもそうです。東京で出会ったレコード店のオーナーの中で、最も面白くて優しい人です。在庫も豊富で、値段もとてもリーズナブルです。ぜひ応援してください。ハリーのレコードに関する私の短い YouTube 動画もご覧ください。https://youtu.be/mPHFoUyYuus
Please post as much as you like about the store's charms and good points that cannot be conveyed in a single visit, as well as the records and music you have encountered. You can also post the media and genres you have visited.
* Membership registration is required for comments, favorites, and bookmark functions. To apply for membership (free of charge), please contact us using this form.
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